
This genre-bender is a creepy marriage of Factorio and Don't Starve | PC Gamer - seidelbeimetch

This genre-curve ball is a creepy marriage of Factorio and Get into't Starve

An image from survival and automation game Atrio: The Dark Wild
(Image credit: Isto INC)

In Atrio: The Uncheerful Wild you'atomic number 75 an android in an abandoned, neon cyber city. Everything is dark, the city is filled with rogue, vicious bionic man animals, and you need to get the lights back on. IT's an open mankind survival crafting game fused with an automation-factory building game. Also, because it's about horrible dog-things with baby carriage plates for heads pouncing tabu of the darkness to murder you, you're likely to get spooked leastwise once.

Arsenic your character strikes bent explore the city, mend its functions, and find new stuff as you unravel a narrative mystery—but you also build a base. A basic with lots of conveyor belts and tosser things and pusher plate dogs that you captured and made into factory parts. You've also got to stay fresh the root word's defenses automatic, since you're out exploring so a good deal, adding a fresh crook to this genre hybrid. It's a bit like if you were playing a lite Factorio, but you also had to deal with Don't Starve's dangerous expeditions outside your base's homelike walls.

If you're into this rather pun, on that point's besides a great elfin video from the developers about how they held a competition for the the great unwashe who playtested the demonstration and, asymptomatic, they did a lot of stuff the developers didn't anticipate.

You can buoy find Atrio: The Dark Wild on Steam, where there's a demo, at least until Steamer Next Fest ends tomorrow. We've also compiled a leaning of our 16 favorite Steam clean Next Fest demos and a leaning of the demos for 52 games declared at E3 on Steam. If you want to play those, act quick: Steam clean Next Fest closes at 9:00AM GMT on June 22nd, and the demos with it.

An image from survival and automation game Atrio: The Dark Wild

(Image credit: Isto Inc)

Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.


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